trect "key1" 132 171 377 138 "The video mode that you are currently running displays less than 256 colors. /n//n/You will enjoy our courses a lot more if you change your video mode so that it supports at least 256 colors!/n//n/Click your mouse to continue..." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
trect "key1" 20 40 600 400 "There is a problem with the final beta version of Windows 95. On most computers, the Windows 95 Task Bar interferes with WinTutor 95, when the Task Bar has the property \"Always on Top.\" The following is the procedure for turning off this property:" $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
text "key2" 30 121 592 36 "1. Press your <Ctrl> key, and while holding it down, press the <Esc> key. The Task Bar,/n/ along with the Start Menu, should appear." $medblue $_textbgcolor $_textmode $_textlspace $_textffacename $_textfpoint $_textfweight $_textfitalic $_textfunderline $_textfstrikeout $_textcenter $_textshadow ;
text "key3" 30 156 588 43 "2. Click anywhere with your left mouse button on an empty part of the Task Bar. The Start /n/ Menu should disappear, leaving the Task Bar." $medblue $_textbgcolor $_textmode $_textlspace $_textffacename $_textfpoint $_textfweight $_textfitalic $_textfunderline $_textfstrikeout $_textcenter $_textshadow ;
text "key4" 30 190 585 41 "3. Click an empty part of the Task Bar with your RIGHT mouse button. A menu should /n/ appear." $medblue $_textbgcolor $_textmode $_textlspace $_textffacename $_textfpoint $_textfweight $_textfitalic $_textfunderline $_textfstrikeout $_textcenter $_textshadow ;
text "key5" 30 224 582 45 "4. Read this entire instruction before proceding. A window will appear and partially cover /n/ these instructions: /n/ a. Click the \"Properties...\" item on the menu." $medblue $_textbgcolor $_textmode $_textlspace $_textffacename $_textfpoint $_textfweight $_textfitalic $_textfunderline $_textfstrikeout $_textcenter $_textshadow ;
text "key6" 30 273 582 45 " b. If the \"Always on top\" box is checked, click the checkmark, with your left mouse /n/ button, to uncheck it ." $medblue $_textbgcolor $_textmode $_textlspace $_textffacename $_textfpoint $_textfweight $_textfitalic $_textfunderline $_textfstrikeout $_textcenter $_textshadow ;
text "key7" 30 306 582 45 " c. Click the OK button with your left mouse button." $medblue $_textbgcolor $_textmode $_textlspace $_textffacename $_textfpoint $_textfweight $_textfitalic $_textfunderline $_textfstrikeout $_textcenter $_textshadow ;
text "key8" 30 329 587 50 "That's it! You can now continue with WinTutor 95. Please remember to disable the \"Always on top\" property on the Task Bar whenever you run WinTutor 95. (This property will stay disabled unless you re-enable it." $medblue $_textbgcolor $_textmode $_textlspace $_textffacename $_textfpoint $_textfweight $_textfitalic $_textfunderline $_textfstrikeout $_textcenter $_textshadow ;
text "key9" 29 380 575 46 "Sorry for the inconvenience. We have reported this problem to Microsoft, and they're working on it. So that we won't inconvenience you further, we will not display this message again. /c1/Click your left mouse button to continue." $medblue $_textbgcolor $_textmode $_textlspace $_textffacename $_textfpoint $_textfweight $_textfitalic $_textfunderline $_textfstrikeout $_textcenter $_textshadow ;
text "k1" 341 46 293 27 "Choose a course by clicking its button." 16777215 $_textbgcolor $_textmode $_textlspace "Times New Roman" 14 400 0 0 0 $_textcenter $_textshadow ;
text "k5" 363 333 283 53 "Moving from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95" 0 $_textbgcolor $_textmode $_textlspace "Times New Roman" 18 400 255 0 0 $_textcenter $_textshadow ;
text "k5" 363 333 283 53 "Moving from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95" $darkred $_textbgcolor $_textmode $_textlspace "Times New Roman" 18 400 255 0 0 $_textcenter $_textshadow ;
frame "" ;
killk "k5" ;
text "k5" 363 333 283 53 "Moving from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95" 0 $_textbgcolor $_textmode $_textlspace "Times New Roman" 18 400 255 0 0 $_textcenter $_textshadow ;
text "l8" 334 387 315 27 "Multimedia and Networks" $0 $_textbgcolor $_textmode $_textlspace "Times New Roman" 12 $bold 255 0 0 $_textcenter $_textshadow ;
text "c1" 89 277 201 70 "Moving from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95" 0 $_textbgcolor $_textmode $_textlspace "Times New Roman" 16 $normal 255 0 0 $_textcenter $_textshadow ;
trect "m1" 170 140 300 200 "You do not have enough disk space to run this lesson. /n//n/8MB of free disk space may be required to run this lesson. /n//n/Your should exit WinTutor 95, free up some disk space, then re-execute Wintutor 95. /n//n/Click your mouse to continue..." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;
endif ;
if $_cperror == 1 ;
trect "m2" 170 140 300 200 "Unknown disk error occured when we tried to copy files off our CD. Verify that our CD is installed properly in your CDROM drive, and choose a lesson again. /n//n/Click your mouse to continue..." $_trecttextcolor $_trectlspace $_trectlmargin $_trectrmargin $_trecttmargin $_trectbmargin $_trectindent $_trectffacename $_trectfpoint $_trectfweight $_trectfitalic $_trectfunderline $_trectfstrikeout $_trectcolor $_trectltcolor $_trectdkcolor $_trectborder $_trectlnthick $_trectcenter $_trectshadow $_trecteffect ;